Social event – Treasure Hunt

We are organising a Treasure Hunt – details as follows:

Sunday August 17th 2.00-5.00 p.m. (ish)

Teams of around 4 people, minimum 2 – £5 per team entry charge – payable in advance. Suitable for all the family, although push chairs may struggle!

If you can’t make up a team we can allocate you to one!

Invite your friends and family – the more the merrier

Meet at the Lion Earls Colne at 1.45 p.m.

Dress accordingly for the weather; parts of the route will be on footpaths in fields! Stinging nettles and brambles may be an occasional hazard!

Bring a pen/pencil and maybe a clipboard?

There will be points awarded for collecting specified items, answering questions and completing the round on time. There will be penalties for being slow and at the Judge’s discretion.

There will be cash prizes for the 1st and 2nd teams and a booby prize for the losing team. Other spot prizes may be available depending on number of entries!

Please let us know if you are want to enter a team by emailing

Sent on behalf of the Social Secretary!

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