Forthcoming productions-
Autumn production
Planned for 3rd/4th October at Earls Colne Village Hall. It is likely to be ‘All my Sons’ by Arthur Miller.
Please contact Duncan McCubbine on 01787 224348 if you are interested in taking part.
Pantomime 2015
Our next panto will be held at Halstead Empire on 30th, 31st January and 1st February 2015. Rehearsals will start in early October.
Contact Jackie on 07795 033551, if you would like to be involved.
The Group’s activities in the next few months may include another Murder mystery, if resources allow, and a re-enactment of the First World War hospital in Earls Colne Village Hall for 9th November, Remembrance Sunday and social events
We like to keep our group refreshed with new members of all ages in order for us to put on a range of different types of shows. Experience is not a prerequisite. None of us had experience before we started. See the ‘become a member’ page for more details
We are currently looking for a dry building we can use for storage and an occasional workshop in the Earls Colne/ Halstead area. If you know of anything suitable, let us know please.
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